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Family history essay examples

Family history essay examples

Such a situation could result in a rift between the generations, where the older generation would communicate better among each other family history essay examples with the young generations. Furthermore, those people who did not speak Greek were referred to as barbar, the root of our word barbarian. This might also lock the country out of industrialization. This sparked a lot of human rights issues concerning quarantine as never before. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. The strict psychometric view is that human personality and behavior is nothing more than the sum total of all of the various psychological variables, family history essay examples.


My grandmother Celia Hernandez has multiple health issues, family history essay examples. Her health history includes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, as well as type 2 diabetes. My grandmother Celia Hernandez was first recognized with type 2 diabetes twenty-eight family history essay examples ago during her age of forty-two, resulting in her finding multiple issues. Her conditions changed her living matter significantly that her daily routine consists of following procedures to keep her conditions under control.

Celia Oergel was born on January 15,in Santiago Tangamandapio, Mexico, where she was raised as well, family history essay examples. My grandmother has five siblings, three brothers, and two sisters. My grandmother Celia is the second oldest, Celia grew up in a family that struggled financially. Her siblings with herself family history essay examples roam around Tangamandapio trying to find any job that would allow them to receive any kind of money. But once in a while, she would sneak out with her friends and go out to friends and go out to parties and places teenagers would be at. Then one day at one of those parties she attended she met Arnulfo Hernandez and a connection formed. Celia Oregel and Arnulfo Hernandez had a bound together so intense, that my grandmother got married to him on July 22,at the age of sixteen years old.

She had her first child in to Victor Hernandez. And continued to have kids until at the age of thirty-seven, when she had a total of nine kids. Celia Hernandez lived in Santiago Tangamandapio, Mexico until Celia, my grandfather Anruflo, and six of my uncles, my father, and two aunts came to the United States for the first time. Celia Hernandez first moved to Merced, California in with the rest of her family. Five of her oldest sons started working and started a family, meanwhile, she stayed as a stay at home mother and the rest of her children finished school. Sometime throughout the year ofmy grandmother was experiencing heartburn and serious pain in her upper chest.

She spoke to Arnulfo and her cousins about her concerns and thought of the worse. So she then decided to go to Merced Community Medical Center to get checked. A pint of blood with her consent was taken out of her for testing. She received a phone call from her doctor asking if she was able to make an appointment to discuss her results. My grandmother went to Merced Comunity Medical Center to receive her results. Mayu then told her cholesterol and blood pressure was very high, leading to the result of having type 2 diabetes. Having high blood pressure increases heart diseases or strokes.

Having importance to have regular check ups. High blood pressure breaks or covers arteries in providing blood and oxygen to our brain, if it does not happen properly a stroke can occur. Ever since my grandmother, Celia was diagnosed with high blood pressure she was limited her sodium intake as well as eating healthy. As well as making sure family history essay examples has some type of exercise throughout her day. Celia has takes medication for it as well, every day once she wakes up and before she goes to sleep.

Cholesterol is fat. Cholesterol is needed helping organs do their intension. Having a huge extent of quantity of cholesterol blocks arteries in transporting blood all around the body. Large quantities of cholesterol assemble stock up throughout time priming to serious health risks. Cholesterol is a high factor of death that encounters to be taken seriously. My grandmother ate lots of fat. The foods she ate were either of animals, not produced foods. Nutrients not having much cholesterol are from plants, basically produced foods.

Being able to decrease levels a healthy life living has to be restricted. More activities need to be happening, sugary or fat food or drinks are to be kept aways, healthy weight should be maintained. My grandmother reduces her levels by making sure she gets activities involving her body done, such as going out for walks. She also limits her drinks and foods. Type 2 diabetes happens as chemicals inside a figure are created in the pancreas act like a perfect shape to let lactose in the gore to use for energy. Making her pancreas family history essay examples hormones to get her cells to answer.

Ways to manage the condition is eating healthy, being active, or antibiotics that sometimes is authorized from doctors. Medicine helps authority the sugar into the blood and assist steer away from difficulty, although the medicine may be taken it is still important to family history essay examples healthily and exercise. My grandmother, Celia checks her gore regularly. My grandmother needs to keep her level of sugar as near to the accuracy wanted as practical. So she uses Accu-Check which, a self-test to see her sugar plan as well as to avert problems. Accu-Check is an electric utility that calculates levels with a drop of blood. My grandmother uses a needle that is provided from with test kit that she uses on the fingertips. She positions drops of blood onto a strip provided, family history essay examples.

The screen shows the levels family history essay examples her sugar. Celia Hernandez checks tests twice a day. Once before breakfast and t before dinner. From her outcome, family history essay examples, she follows the policies that are given to her from the doctor, family history essay examples. Obesity in America is especially frequent. Populations develop a poor fitness living through young ages, rising chances of high blood pressure and cholesterol, and eventually getting diabetes. Doctor appointments need to be made to help with health and to voice concerns. It is very important to develop healthy eating and exercise at a young age, to avoid risking any health conditions. This essay was written by a fellow student.

You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly, family history essay examples. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Family History Essay. Accessed January 7, The Family Crucible: The Intense Experience of Family Therapy Sample. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match, family history essay examples.

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Sometime throughout the year of , my grandmother was experiencing heartburn and serious pain in her upper chest. She spoke to Arnulfo and her cousins about her concerns and thought of the worse. So she then decided to go to Merced Community Medical Center to get checked. A pint of blood with her consent was taken out of her for testing. She received a phone call from her doctor asking if she was able to make an appointment to discuss her results. My grandmother went to Merced Comunity Medical Center to receive her results. Mayu then told her cholesterol and blood pressure was very high, leading to the result of having type 2 diabetes. Having high blood pressure increases heart diseases or strokes. Having importance to have regular check ups. High blood pressure breaks or covers arteries in providing blood and oxygen to our brain, if it does not happen properly a stroke can occur.

Ever since my grandmother, Celia was diagnosed with high blood pressure she was limited her sodium intake as well as eating healthy. As well as making sure she has some type of exercise throughout her day. Celia has takes medication for it as well, every day once she wakes up and before she goes to sleep. Cholesterol is fat. Cholesterol is needed helping organs do their intension. Having a huge extent of quantity of cholesterol blocks arteries in transporting blood all around the body. Large quantities of cholesterol assemble stock up throughout time priming to serious health risks.

Cholesterol is a high factor of death that encounters to be taken seriously. My grandmother ate lots of fat. The foods she ate were either of animals, not produced foods. Nutrients not having much cholesterol are from plants, basically produced foods. Being able to decrease levels a healthy life living has to be restricted. More activities need to be happening, sugary or fat food or drinks are to be kept aways, healthy weight should be maintained. My grandmother reduces her levels by making sure she gets activities involving her body done, such as going out for walks. She also limits her drinks and foods. Type 2 diabetes happens as chemicals inside a figure are created in the pancreas act like a perfect shape to let lactose in the gore to use for energy.

Making her pancreas create hormones to get her cells to answer. Ways to manage the condition is eating healthy, being active, or antibiotics that sometimes is authorized from doctors. Medicine helps authority the sugar into the blood and assist steer away from difficulty, although the medicine may be taken it is still important to eat healthily and exercise. My grandmother, Celia checks her gore regularly. My grandmother needs to keep her level of sugar as near to the accuracy wanted as practical. So she uses Accu-Check which, a self-test to see her sugar plan as well as to avert problems. Accu-Check is an electric utility that calculates levels with a drop of blood. My grandmother uses a needle that is provided from with test kit that she uses on the fingertips.

She positions drops of blood onto a strip provided. The screen shows the levels of her sugar. Celia Hernandez checks tests twice a day. Once before breakfast and t before dinner. From her outcome, she follows the policies that are given to her from the doctor. Obesity in America is especially frequent. Populations develop a poor fitness living through young ages, rising chances of high blood pressure and cholesterol, and eventually getting diabetes. Doctor appointments need to be made to help with health and to voice concerns. About died of conflicts at the battlefield and about 17, died of both starvation and disease during the war. The British and its allies also experienced large number of deaths with British officers killed and destroyed during the war, 1, Navy soldiers killed in conflicts and about 18, died of disease as compiled by a British lieutenant in the year With the dawn of independence to the American and its liberation from being a British colony led to great and immediate changes to America and its societal forms.

The changes took form prior to the entrance to a new century and the beginning anew was indeed their goal. However, slavery was introduced in the United States of America and traditions that were inherited from the British monarch were cast out like bad behavior including the modes of land ownership5. In terms of religion, the Anglican Church thrived no longer since the Church of England was headed officially by the British monarch. For instance, the Americans never established a monarch but instead their leader was a president. In the early years of the 19th century indeed depicted greater changes with regards to the American society.

This has been attributed to the fact that the proliferation of equity among the people in America. However, the manufacturers during this period have also been blamed greatly for the erosion of the society because they divided the tasks in order to produce cheaper goods, especially shoes and the clothes. As a result of this division of labor, the semi-skilled and even the unskilled personnel, especially the children and women were tasked to perform these jobs instead of the apprentices. James Volo M. After the gaining of independence, America now was involved in the making of decisions as a sovereign state. Therefore, it indulged itself, as early as four decades after independence, in activities of amassing wealth upon itself. The Naval war of was one of the greatest victories the American navy had ever indulged in during that time.

For instance, Constitution, a team of mariners commanded by Captain Isaac Hull, set out for the east coast of Canada with direct orders of raiding British merchant ships, the Guerrière, on 9th August of Later that October on the 25th, the United States sighted the Macedonian, that was under the British Captain John Carden. They raid this frigate as well being led by Captain Stephen Decatur and in a matter of 90 minutes; they were in control of the frigate and all the merchandise on board. While reading this description of our history from the time when we were under the British rule to the time we gained sovereignty, kindly note the great changes in society that have occurred.

However, we Americans are more than proud and glad towards our American patriots who made this dream a reality. The times here are still hard but I have seen better days ahead when my son is mature and gives rise to my grandchildren. Unfortunately, those better days will arrive when I am gone but I would have loved for you children to understand the participation our family has seen the wars in its rising and ending after glorious feats in battle against the Red coats. In summary, I am glad I was born American and died an independent American in my own sovereign country. Fradin, Dennis B. The Declaration of Independence.

New York: Benchmark. Guemide, Boutkgil. Revolution Massachusetts Ireland: Editions Publibook. Furgang, Kathy. The Declaration of Independence and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. New York: Rosen Pub. Rothschild, Emma. The inner life of empires an eighteenth-century history. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Volo, James M. Family life in 19th-century America. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Please remember that this paper is open-access and other students can use it too. If you need an original paper created exclusively for you, hire one of our brilliant writers!

Some topics are tougher than others. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. Please accept before continuing or read our cookie policy here. Hire Writer. Want a similar paper? We can write it! Order now. New WowEssays Premium Database! Find the biggest directory of over 1 million paper examples! Introduction Indeed, the 19th century was full of important events that shaped the history of America as you will know together with the future in which you will live. The family tree Our family dates back before the founding fathers of the United States of America when my grandfather was still young. The times from my grandfather, to my father, to mine France and the England developed interest in the Ohio valley and they claim it.

Emma Rothschild, The inner life of empires: an eighteenth-century history Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, , The American Revolutionary war The American Revolutionary war has sometimes been referred to as the American War of Independence in the year to was merely an attempt by the thirteen states of the North American colonies under the Great Britain to seek independence from the latter. Before the American Revolutionary war The main origin of the war can be tracked to the resistance offered by the Americans towards the tax levied to them by the Great Britain government which was labeled unconstitutional. Boutkhil Guemide, Revolutionary Massachusetts , Ireland: Editions Publibook, , The continuing of war The winning of the conflict between General Washington and Burgoyne intrigued the French who joined the war to aid America in its endeavor to gain independence from the British in the year The finals of the war and the beginning of independence The attention of the British government was indeed shifted to the Southern colonies where they managed to capture Georgia and South Carolina, in and respectively.

The casualties of the revolutionary war Every war has casualties and wars and the American revolutionary war was no exception. The societal impact of the American Revolution With the dawn of independence to the American and its liberation from being a British colony led to great and immediate changes to America and its societal forms. Conclusion While reading this description of our history from the time when we were under the British rule to the time we gained sovereignty, kindly note the great changes in society that have occurred. Bibliography Fradin, Dennis B. United States. American Revolution. Declaration Of Independence. Armed Forces.

Great Britain. New York. Good My Experience As A Writer Essay Example. Cite this page. Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January My Family History Essay Examples. October Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, com, Oct Free Essay Examples - WePapers. Published Oct 25,

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