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Motivation essay example

Motivation essay example

Retrieved from:. Film and Movies Why motivation essay example employees working harder? Motivation is the driving forcewithin individuals by which they attempt to achieve some goals in orderto fulfill some need and With this section, it instructed me that my primary learning style is the perused and compose learning style. Afghan-American Literature Without motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, it will be challenging for a business to succeed and prosper in the future, motivation essay example.

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We often face motivation essay example tasks that can be very difficult to accomplish for specific reasons. Here the question immediately arises: how to motivate yourself, what is motivation itself, and what are its manifestations? In simple terms, motivation is a particular process that prompts a person to take action or the ability of a person to achieve goals through difficult stages. If you need to write an essay on motivation and you don't know how to explore this topic comprehensively, it may be useful for you to look at a motivation essay example that worked.

com provides students with professionally written sample papers about motivation, its meaning, definition, and features. All materials in our directory are available for free and can be used at your reasonable discretion. What is more, WePapers. com provides students with paper writing assistance. We guarantee reasonable prices and high quality of our model papers. Once you use our service for your academic needs, you won't need to try any other services. Abstract Motivation essay example motivation means getting a high level of commitment, and creativity from the workers to apply to their jobs, motivation essay example.

The paper looks at the psychological aspects behind the employee motivation and how to increase their involvement and empowerment. The aim of this paper is to expand existing understandings of work motivation theories and discuss how emotions, behaviors and development can impact the workers. The role and responsibilities of managers and owners remain as to how to understand their workers wetter, study their behaviors and emotions and give them a proactive environment for further development. Companies are known to motivate Continue reading Abstract In the corporate world, organizations need an effective human capital management.

The human capital is significant in the increasing trend in the global market. Countries like Malaysia and Singapore are very competent in their performances with high productivity in the products and services they offer. The human capital development and proper motivation are necessary strategies to solve issues in the organizations. The common issue in the organization is about motivation. Different theories of motivation essay example motivation are discussed and explained properly to provide credible information. Effective leaders have provided strategies to solve and develop the motivational issues in the organization. Continue reading Nowadays there is an increasing need for specialists with a high level of overall development, professional competence and creative abilities.

This determines the change in the motivational sphere of the educational process. Therefore, one of the most urgent problems of modern education is the formation of a highly motivated student's personality that is able to live and work motivation essay example a changing economic environment. Contemporary research in terms of motivation and cognitive activity of students is determined by the task of identifying specific structure of motivation essay example motivational sphere conducive to the successful development of the profession, motivation essay example. There are a number Continue reading Let academics write a perfect Motivation just for you! Four motivational theorists Maslow motivation theory Many theories, hypothesis, motivation essay example, and studies have been developed from the time of the great motivation essay example to explain the subject of the motivation essay example motivation.

Maslow intention was to help people understand what they motivate them and hence believed that there exist a set of motivation system that is not linked to unconscious desires or motivation essay example. Maslow developed his theory in stating that people are being motivated by the desire to achieve certain needs. The needs are perpetual in a way Continue reading Management involves a series of functions and tasks that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Management aims to create an environment of cooperation and coordination that enables people to work collectively towards established objectives. However, the primacy of the organizational objectives is a primary concern for most managers due to the individual objectives and goals of employees.

The employees are one of the most important elements of the organization due to their role in organizational success. Employees of the organization possess the tendency to make or break the organization because of their effective role present in the Continue reading This premise must be the case since there is given a sudden influx of modern management systems Continue reading Introduction Encouraging employees to work within the parameters set by an organization—and to encourage them to work efficiently—is one of the most important goals of an organization.

There are a number of important things that managers must do to ensure that employees maintain good work ethic and high levels of motivation, as it is rare for employees to be completely self-motivated. Understanding that employees are often motivated by outside influences just as much as they are intrinsically motivated is part of what makes a manager or individual in a leadership position an excellent leader; when an individual in Continue reading In motivational interviewing the canceled expresses the acceptance of the client in order to help in the change process, motivation essay example. Motivation enhances the chances of intervening on a highly addictive behavior in efforts motivation essay example achieve a change of the same behavior.

The highly addictive behaviors could include drug and other substance abuse with an enhancement in motivation making people realize their problems and help them towards change. In the recent time, motivational enhancement approaches to deal with the rising social problems is becoming more and more prominent with the most common key approach motivation essay example a motivational interview. This approach is Continue reading However, most of the personnel do not know how to motivate their employees, motivation essay example. Additionally, most of the employers do not know what motivates their employees. It should thus be noted that business firms motivation essay example be more efficient if the staff members had a devoted interest in the future of the business.

This means that for a company to be successful, there are specific needs that have to be met so that the employer-employee relationship works successfully, motivation essay example. This Continue reading YourName Motivation is one of the most important factors, which affects the performance of an employee in an organization. Motivation is the driving force behind all actions of an employee. The concept of motivation interrelates to motives, needs, desires, wants, drives, wishes and incentives. There is a general assumption that the higher the salary, motivation essay example, the higher is the factor of motivation; however, according to the Expectancy Theory of Vroom, motivation does not merely depend on high salary. It Continue reading We use cookies to improve your experience with our site.

Please accept before continuing or read our cookie policy here. Hire Writer, motivation essay example. Want to see many more Motivation samples? Go to Premium Database. Sample Research Paper On How Psychology Motivates Work 5 Pages. Introduction Companies are known to motivate Continue reading Human Resource Management. Human Capital Management: An Issue On Motivation Essays Examples 8 Pages. Free Motivating Students Literature Review Sample 9 Pages. No time to lose motivation essay example for the right sample?

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That is salary plus profits made by the company. Financial gains mostly motivate employees. When they release an input, they expect an output to them by the management. These theories support the techniques of motivating the employees and are divided into process and content theories. Dissatisfiers include working conditions, policies, job security, and status while satisfiers include recognition of achievements, responsibilities, and growth. Dissatisfiers do not have the same impact on job satisfaction but rather influence job dissatisfaction. The most fundamental needs are physiological, for example, shelter, food, air, and clothing Maslow They are the key needs to sustain life, and when they are not met, it affects a person physically.

Employees should be able to afford these necessary basic needs with their salaries to be motivated to get to the next level. Safety needs are the next level, where employees feel a sense of having security, feeling peaceful and orderly at the workplace Maslow Social needs comprise of friendship, a sense of belonging to a certain group, love and acceptance in a certain environment. Employees usually want to fit in a particular group at a workplace or feel accepted and loved by the others. To satisfy these needs, they tend to work harder to reach a target that will allow them to be identified and accepted by others. A person will strive to reach that rank. Esteem needs generate motivations only when the lower needs are satisfied. They include self-esteem, freedom, and self-confidence.

However, if the needs are not met, an employee will lack esteem and will feel inferior to the others. This process serves as a continuous motivational fact because when an individual completes one need another need arises. Alderfer agrees with Maslow that human needs can be arranged in levels but instead of categorizing them in five, he reduces them to three levels of existence, growth and relatedness. According to Alderfer, two levels can be achieved at the same time. A person can attain the highest level of need without fulfilling the lower needs. The fewer existence needs are met, the more desire a person will feel to fulfill them. Code: MYCOUPON In McGregor X-Y Theory, X stands for autocratic management while Y is participative management.

X theory assumes that external motivation is achieved through punishment or threat while Y theory believes that an employee is internally motivated with a good environment. Y implies that although punishment can motivate a worker to work, it is not the only way because employees are self-motivated. Employees can get motivation from within themselves because of good environmental factors surrounding them at a workplace. In his research, McClelland found out that businessmen have a desire for achievement motivation. Workers will set reasonable and attainable goals since they are the ones expected to reach the objective unlike when employers set unreasonable goals.

In this theory, for a goal to be achieved, there has to be an effort to achieve it. When the goals set are unreasonable, there will be no motivation to attain them. Thus, it is important to involve the staff in setting the goals. The change can either be positive or negative. Skinner advises managers to use positive reinforcers such as promotion and salary increment to promote motivation in the workplace. Managers should also solve problems in the workplace to create a peaceful environment that will motivate employees. The staff can only be motivated if there is a positive reinforcer. Positive rewards motivate employees while negative rewards do not motivate them.

Ensuring the staff expects a pay rise and promotion will motivate them to work harder on achieving the set goals. When there are no reward expectations, a minimum effort will be put since there is no potential gain at the end of it. No one wants to work for free unless it is charity. Work is believed to have some payment after its completion; thus, an extra work of achieving a goal should have an extra bonus to the salary. If the management considers bonuses, its staff is more likely to be motivated. Employees base their judgments on comparing themselves with people around them or with persons of the same profession.

They will feel undermined if they realize that they are contributing more than the other employees and are not being rewarded the same way. The level of motivation is based on the percentage of fairness that has been found out by the employees. When employees believe they are treated equally, they will be motivated; but when they believe there is unfairness; they will be discouraged. Unfairness can cause the staff to be hostile, disruptive and silent. The best way to know how to write good essays is by getting a sample of an essay from competent experts online. We can give you the essay examples you need for future learning. This paper has critically explained the concept of employee motivation and the various advocated theories used to motivate employees towards helping the organization to accomplish its goals.

Theories of employee motivation suggest that there are many variables influencing how employees perceive their work and are motivated to achieve a high level of performance. Concepts of fairness, hierarchy, motivational effects and external motivational factors all give tools to help to analyze motivational influences and come up with strategies to increase levels of motivation at a workplace. Although most theories seem to conflict, they do shed light on those areas of motivation. Motivation is a vital area in the study of organizations and management, and it cannot be ignored even with the presence of many unanswered questions and conflicting theories. Employees are the most important resource in an organization and, for this reason, they should be treated well and should always be motivated.

Well-motivated employees are always ready to work hard towards achieving the set goals of the organization. Employees individually and collectively contribute to the attainment of the set goals for sustainable competitive advantage. Employee Motivation Essay Example Every business is expected to yield profit. Types of Employee Motivation Intrinsic motivation is a feeling that comes from within a person. Discount applied successfully. Code: MYCOUPON20 One-Time Offer! Our Samples The best way to know how to write good essays is by getting a sample of an essay from competent experts online. Moreover, the explanation behind the failure or success of certain relationships has been expounded using what the authors have referred to as regular and controlled processes. One of the strongest points in the article is that the subject matter is indeed appropriate and applicable to the issue under discussion.

Besides, each of the subdomains of the topic has been vividly discussed and as a result, it is quite easy for the reader to follow through. The organization of the entire content of the article is also coherent. In cases where confusion and understanding of the piece may arise, the authors have made use of illustrations in form of diagrams. While reading through the content of the article, the reader is left with a feeling of being talked to and not talked down. Finally, the application part of the management motivation theory discussed dresses up the whole article and consequently, the reader is capable of appreciating the importance of the written piece by relating the theories and principles against real-life applications. However, the article presents on major weakness in terms of the methodology used to gather research evidence on the subject of the interdependent mind.

Most of the evidence presented throughout the article is based on secondary sources and not primary research data that can be compared to other previous studies. The authenticity of the facts or theories highlighted in the article would have been more profound if primary research data were integrated as part of the subject matter. Firstly, it is a definite fact that personality differences do exist between partners in any form of social relationship. It is also imperative to reiterate that personality and relationships influence each other in a myriad of ways. Nonetheless, the reader is left wondering whether the four principles of motivation management theory as expounded by Murray and Holmes in the article give an appropriate explanation on the link between the two elements.

Although trust is paramount in any motivation management, the five prompts that individuals monitor in others before they can gain trust in them may not necessarily be completed under normal circumstances and in an ideal case. Leder tends to differ slightly with this line of thinking. He argues out that the five classes of indicators people use to establish trust in others and especially those whom they are in a relationship may be bypassed by other events or circumstances. For instance, an important sacrifice by a partner may be done in bad faith aimed at winning the trust of another person. Some partners in relationships may not readily trust others on the basis of sacrifice following past horrible experiences. Then, what cue should we use to gather trust from others?

Are our values and barriers sufficient signals to trust? Or better still, should partners trust each other so long as they are equally worthy? These are just but some of the questions worth discussing when articulating the cause and effect of trust in relationships. When motivation management theory is put into application, then the proposed model makes more sense especially in regard to mutual responsiveness in adult relationships. Indeed, the model acts as a viable tool for conjecturing the stability of relationships as well as how satisfying such partnerships can be. It is indeed factual that partners in a relationship will largely value satisfaction and lack of it may as well be the dead-end of the existing affair.

The authors have explored motivational interdependence and the relative factors that influence satisfaction. However, the anticipation when a relationship may experience either automatic or regulated behavioral patterns is quite a tricky bearing in mind that such a prediction using the proposed model may be jeopardized by secondary factors such as persistence of a partner to stick to a relationship irrespective of the prevailing situation especially in cases where the decision remains to be the best alternative at that given time Leder, Leder, S. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, — Murray, S. L and Holmes, J. Psychological Review, , Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

certified writers online. Personality and Psychology of the Motivation. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents.

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