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Essay on elderly people

Essay on elderly people

Falls are one of the most dangerous experiences an elderly person can suffer Owen, essay on elderly people, and so it is important not only for them to be aware of the dangers around them but also for others who care for them or who know them to be aware of how we could help to prevent falls American Institute of Essay on elderly people Foundation, Substance abuse and the elderly: unique issues and concerns. The disorders and maladies that are relevant to this population include, among others, depression, dementia, mild cognitive impairment MCI … References American Psycholgical Association APA Retrieved from: www. Check it out! Forgot your password? Substance abuse among older adults: A guide for social service providers.

Why We Should Respect Elders Essay

Elderly Care Case Study Discharging a patient from hospital is usually a complex process that is surrounded by many challenges. Therefore an appropriate discharge plan should be put in place so that there can be avoidance of re-hospitalization. As the case manager for Mr. Trosak case there are several healthcare issues that should be addressed when working with an interdisciplinary plan to determine the most appropriate discharge plan for Mr. These healthcare issues include medication management, appointments, the nature of the patient's current home and suitability for the patient's condition and essay on elderly people care, essay on elderly people. It is important to address all this issues when determining the appropriate discharge plan for the elderly patient.

This is because all these issues are important and if they are not addressed appropriately then the patient might eventually find their way back to the hospital. The discharged patient should have adequate help from family or other…. References Alpher, E. Hospital Discharge. Hospital-to-Home Discharge Guide. Retrieved November 13, from nextstepincare. Many experience depressions and sudden mood swings. The abuse of drugs -- prescription or illegal -- can also lead to disorientation, memory loss and having new difficulties in making decisions Blow Given these effects, the recognition of drug abuse among the elderly population is quite an important task. The recognition of these symptoms, however, is made more complicated by the fact that many members of the elderly population already take a number of prescription drugs.

The symptoms of drug abuse also mimic those of many illnesses that are often associated with aging. This makes the proper recognition and treatment of drug abuse even more critical, essay on elderly people. However, when such symptoms are recognized, it is vital…. Works Cited Benshoff, essay on elderly people, John J. et al. Levin, S. Substance abuse among older adults: A guide for social service providers. Rockville, MD: Substance abuse essay on elderly people Mental Health Services Administration.

Mersy, essay on elderly people, David. Elderly Care in America: A comparison with England's Healthcare System Healthcare in America vs, essay on elderly people. Healthcare in England Different countries have varying healthcare systems across the world and the systems are set to benefit the local population with the best possible care as would be dictated by the budgetary allocations and supported by the economy and the GDP of the particular nations. There are different sections of the healthcare system that try to cater for each section of the populations and this paper will specifically be concerned with the healthcare systems in essay on elderly people U.

And in England, particularly directed at the elderly in the society. It will look at the healthcare system that prevails in the U. And the tenets that define it as well as the system that prevails in England, then the paper makes comparison of the two systems as well as highlight the differences that there are between…. References Advanta Home Care, East Vs. West: How we Treat our Elderly. Oral Health Topics: Medicaid and Medicare. Americans Living Longer, Enjoying Greater Health and Prosperity, but Important Disparities Remain, Says Federal Report. Is the Affordable Care Act Working? Elderly Care Adult Children and Elderly Care Comment by Sabina: Adult Children and Elderly Care What are some of the essay on elderly people problems caregivers face?

With advances in modern medicine our elderly populations are living much longer. Family members who care for their elderly parents encounter many different problems. Some of the biggest problems that caregivers face are the financial strains and emotional strains involved with caring for an elderly parent. Medical care is extremely expensive, even with the use of Medicare there is still out of pocket cost associated with medical care and prescriptions. Adult children who care for parents, essay on elderly people, who are disabled or chronically ill, could experience many different levels of stress and emotions. There is a high level of stress associated with caring for a parent with a chronic disease. Career goals may also suffer for the caregiver.

Many caregivers have to change their job or even leave…. Reference ArgiLife Helping when Health Fails. Family and Consumer Essay on elderly people. Elderly Stereotypes in the Media In Western society today, there has been an overwhelming tendency towards a concern with remaining as youthful as possible for as long as possible. Although this does extend towards the qualities of energy and vitality, the main focus of this drive is upon appearance. In American society particularly, the media has both encouraged and essay on elderly people this trend. Advertisements, greeting cards, and even cartoons often portray older people as feeble, foolish, and worthy of little more than providing some derisive entertainment for the younger generations.

While the mass media has been improving its images of the elderly as citizens worthy of respect, essay on elderly people, there are still many images that essay on elderly people to the general drive towards remaining young and physically attractive Vickers, essay on elderly people, Vickers notes that stereotypes occur in all sorts of media, including television, comics, and cartoons. One example of the cartoon genre is the online…. References Aha Jokes. com Honesty on the Internet. html Kingsley, D. Nov 29, Stereotyping the Elderly. The Tallgrass Activist. Aging and the Media: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, Vol. pdf Where's the Beef Commercial. Retrieved from: www.

Elderly Population With Diabetes AGE Essay on elderly people Elderly Diabetes Epidemiology: Definition and Description Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and factors essay on elderly people health conditions in particular populations and its application to the control of these health conditions NCCDPHP, The shortest description of the work of epidemiologists is that they count and compare data of cases of disease or injuries in a given population, essay on elderly people. Then they compare these data essay on elderly people those of another or other populations.

From the comparison, they form inferences on patterns in determining if a certain problem exists. If and when they infer that there is a problem, they use the gathered data to determine the cause, the modes of transmission, probable factors of susceptibility, exposure or risk and other potential environmental factors. What a health care practitioner does to an individual patient, an epidemiologist does to an entire population. oth of them test their respective hypotheses…. Health, prevention and wellness program. Administration on Aging: Department of Health and Human Services. Understanding the epidemiologic triangle through infectious disease. Body and Mind: Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.

pdf Cadena, C. Chronic diabetes in the elderly: the effects of treatment burnout. Elderly Diabetics Elderly Hispanic Diabetics Diabetes is a real problem that affects a significant amount of our population. The death rate associated with diabetes continues to climb yearly, while the death rate of other diseases continues to decrease ADA, Diabetes is impairment in the human body that prevents the body from converting glucose to energy. According to the CDC nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes and 79 million adults have prediabetes CDC, This is a serious problem and needs further research. In the Hispanic community Diabetes is a major health disparity. This problem must be analyzed and addressed.

There is a definite need for educating this population about the effects of diabetes. Educating this population about the…. References ADA. The prevalence and health burden of self-reported diabetes in older Mexican-Americans: findings from the Hispanic established populations for epidemiologic studies of the elderly. American Journal of Public Health. Diabetes and America. Blood sugar control and insulin. The authors of this research studied individuals between the ages 65 and 89 over a five-year period.

They called the survey the "Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly" study ACTIVE -- and the results indicate that "cognitive reserve reflects the persistence of earlier differences in cognitive functioning" as opposed to the differential rates of "age-associated cognitive declines" Tucker-Drob, p. Moreover, the authors offer a pair of conclusions highly germane to elderly issues. One, formal education achieved during the formative years is not directly related to "rates of decline in cognitive functioning during later life" p. And two, getting a good education "casually influences cognitive abilities" during youthful years and "these benefits seem to persist…until late adulthood.

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say, a problem that has drawn focus on the same plane as human rights, gender, equality and population ageing This is a timely focus and concern, because in the next decade there will be an unprecedented number of elderly world-wide, and especially in America, who are the…. In addition, it could actually lower insurance premiums, especially on the elderly, because insurance companies could be assured that the elderly drivers they are insuring are indeed still capable of driving safely. In addition, creating federal legislation for the states can only save lives - not only of elderly drivers, but of others who come in contact with them.

Studies show that, "For every mile they drive, people age 75 or older are more likely to be seriously injured or killed in an automobile accident than are drivers in any other age group except for teenagers. McKnight Thus, elderly drivers are a danger to themselves, and are more likely to be injured because of their increasingly frail health, but they are also a…. References Author not Available. htm McKnight, a. Mercier, Cletus R. Putting the Brakes on Older Drivers. Elderly and their Risk of Depression Until just recently geriatric depression was not regarded as a medical diagnosis, however, with the elderly suicide rate being the highest in the country it has now come to the forefront of medical research. There are numerous reasons for depression in anyone, at any age, but it seems to plague the elderly at a much higher rate.

This is due to a variety of reasons. One factor is the health condition of elderly people who ultimately become victims of a medical ailment by sixty-five years of age. This enhances the chances of depression substantially. Another major reason for geriatric depression is the loss a spouse, in which the passing of our significant other becomes such a traumatic experience that reclusiveness, denial, and ultimately depression are resorted to. It has been recently acknowledged that insomnia is another cause of geriatric depression, often diagnosed as a…. Bibliography Balzer, D. DuPage County Health Department. DuPage County Health. However, research has shown this to be a more serious issue than previously thought.

New research using reconstructed exposure histories suggested a clear association between heavy metal exposure, including lead, and Parkinson's disease. For a period of time, lead was a common ingredient in paints and other building materials. Studies also suggest that it does not take a great deal of toxic metal to store in the bone and cause health issues later in life. Yach, D. One of the most visible issues facing older adults is obesity. Medical doctors, scholars, researchers are all in agreement that there is a complete link between what we eat and drink, and the consequences to our overall health. One need only look in the newspaper, magazines, grocery store aisles, or pop-up ads to see thousands…. And L. Gan, W. Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalization and Mortality.

Environmental Health Perspectives. Nemerogg, C. The Curiously Strong Relationship Between Cardiovascular. elderly person's hands tell the story of a lifetime. Each spot, each crack, each wrinkle is a memory. That memory is permanently etched in these hands, which reach out and touch the world. Those hands scare me at first. They remind me that I will be old one day, too. Then I realize that those hands are trying to tell me something. I look at my own hands and try to listen. When I look again at the elderly person's hands, I see past, present, and future woven together in the story of time. She is an infant, crawling on the floor. Her hands reach out to touch an object daddy dangles in front of her eyes.

It makes a funny noise. She keeps one hand on the floor and reaches toward the object, opening and closing her fist. Daddy lets her touch it. The object is round and smooth. Elderly Women Diagnosed with Nonspecific Chest Pain May be at Increased Cardiovascular isk" is succinct, but it does convey the scope of the research in a very few words. It gives the three main variables around which the article is based. The abstract contains all of the major sections of the paper, and it leads the audience properly into the study. Each section gets about a two sentence treatment which explains the intent of the article, its method and findings.

Basically the article states that since women are more prone to nonspecific chest pain there needs to be some research conducted which investigates whether women, who are also at a greater risk of heart disease, who have the chest pain are more prone to cardiovascular problems. The problem does have significance for nursing because nurses will be the first to hear about this type of chest pain, and with the…. Reference Robinson, J. Elderly women diagnosed with nonspecific chest pain may be at increased cardiovascular risk. Journal of Women's Health Larchmont , 15 10 , At the beginning of the twentieth century, the average American lifespan was 46 years; now it is 77 years. A government study forecast that the "natural" lifespan would ultimately rise to the unbelievable level of 65 years.

When Social Security was enacted, this estimate was used as the basis for setting the federal retirement age at Lawmakers assumed Social Security would be economical because most people would die without ever receiving a benefit check. Instead, today Americans average an extra decade of life beyond what experts thought would be the biological maximum. References Boomers Slow Down, but Won't Quit; Active Hobbies Part-Time Work, Volunteering to Fill Retirement Years. The Washington Times, p. Dart, J. Faith-Based Leader. The Christian Century, , 9. Environmental Reality: A Tidbit from a Bradley Lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, in Which Gregg Easterbrook Previewed His Forthcoming Book the Progress Paradox. The American Enterprise, 14, Lamm, R. The Challenge of an Aging Society: The Future of U.

Health Care Must Involve Some Form of Rationing, Argue a Former Governor and a Medical-Policy Scholar. The Problem Is Not Simply How to Control Costs, but How to Achieve Social Justice. The Futurist, 39, In this regard, Sheve adds that, "For these people, assisted living may be the answer. Assisted living facilities fill a gap between complete independence and around-the-clock care. It's an option for those who are 'mostly abled' and who still want and can safely live with a high degree of freedom and independence" para. Not surprisingly, the continuum of care required for the elderly is closely associated with the age, with older individuals requiring higher levels of care as shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Percentage of elderly in the U. requiring assistance with everyday activities by age group Source: Based on data from U. med carelifts. htm In response to the growing elderly population, there are currently more than 23, long-term care facilities of some type in the United States that deliver care for more than a million-and-a-half elderly residents, and the number of…. References Assisted living. Department of Health and Human Services. Bucher, S. Aging independently: Living arrangements and mobility. Care Management Journals, 6 2 , Chesser, D.

A financially secure future: The role of long-term-care insurance. Journal of Accountancy, 6 , elderly in American Society. Using a book by Tracy Kidder called Old Friends the reader of this paper is given a detailed outline of what various elderly concerns are. Social relationships, doctors and patient needs as well as nursing home discussions are all included. Today, we are living longer than ever before and we are having a premium quality of life while doing so. Doctors are able to mend and cure problems that would have killed us even 50 years ago. With the increased longevity, comes a new set of problems for society as the geriatric population finds growing in numbers each year.

While it is encouraging that we can now incorporate long-range plans for our lives well into our golden years, the ability to do so comes with its own set of trouble. These may include full-time, part-time, or contract professionals Cefalu, There are nursing homes that provide total care including developing a social life for its residents. They employ an activities director who plans outings, game nights, dances and other events to encourage social interaction. In addition there are senior centers throughout the nation providing the same type of care for those who still live at home. The social isolation of the elderly is one of the biggest obstacles that we must over come if we want quality of life to keep up with quantity of life in the future.

Changes in the financial demands for poverty before admittance needs to be addressed as well as outreach programs for those who still reside at home but are isolated. It is important that we address these issues with urgency and competence for it won't be long until we find ourselves included in this population and evaluating options. elderly treated in foraging societies? Is there any variation, or are the old considered to be useless The way that the elderly are treated in a particular society varies in accordance to the mores and realities that each individual society faces. This notion applies to foraging societies, in which people hunt and gather food, as well. In most societies the elderly are treated with respect for the simple fact that they have lived a long time, have learned and can teach a lot, and have taken care of others most of their lives.

There is a degree of variation in the way that the elderly are treated in foraging societies, which is dependent on the most relative factors for that society. There are some societies in which the elderly are considered useless entities that cannot hunt or gather. This statement is true for certain indigenous people in areas of Alaska,…. By allowing health care professionals to educate patients about issues of specific concern to their health, the program helps prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of certain kinds of health and safety threats. Similarly, by providing a medication review system and ongoing monitoring of chronic diseases and symptoms, the program allows residents to receive appropriate intervention at the earliest possible stage of disease rather than after acute symptoms manifest themselves and complications develop that require more serious forms of intervention.

Obviously, the picture presented by the program described in the article is a positive situation that demonstrates some of the most meaningful ways that health care providers can promote and help maintain human health in vulnerable populations whose members might typically receive fewer than all of the health and health-related service that they actually require for optimal health, safety, and wellness. However, another small part of the article illustrates…. Reference Aselton, P. This project will provide a lesson plan that nurses can implement using a learner-centered instruction approach in order to help patients with congestive heart failure properly and effectively apply self-care. Rationale Currently there is a need for better self-care among patients with congestive heart failure, as shown by Dickson and Riegel and Harkness, Spaling, Currie, Strachan and Clark , as self-care can help to empower patients to provide more effective relief and management of their own health.

References Bartholomew, L. Watch, discover, think, and act: Evaluation of computer-assisted instruction to improve asthma self-management in inner-city children. Patient Education and Counseling, 39 2 , Bastable, S. Nurse as educator, 4th ed. Dickson, V. Are we teaching what patients need to know? Building skills in heart failure self-care. Dobbs, D. Beautiful brains. National Geographic, 4 , Emory Healthcare. Heart failure statistics. html Halstead, J. Nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for nurse educators. New York, NY: National League for Nursing. Harkness, K. A systematic review of patient heart failure self-care strategies. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 30 2 , Jensen, E.

Teaching with the brain in mind 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. However, ageism can basically be defined as stereotyping or discriminating against others based on their age. In most cases, ageism refers to poor treatment of older people or the elderly though it can also refer to prejudice against young people in certain cases. Some of the most common prejudices associated with ageism including the belief that older people are unable to contribute to the society, consideration of the elderly as slow and inactive, and viewing them as people with poor memory. While some of these issues reflect the experiences of older people, they can be used for positive or negative stereotyping of the elderly population. An example of…. References Gendron, T.

The Language of Ageism: Why We Need to Use Words Carefully. The Gerontologist, 56 6 , Iversen, T. A Conceptual Analysis of Ageism. Nordic Psychology, 61 3 , Drawn by the above results reached by scholars in the field, game-making firms have developed and released several kinds of games aimed at brain training for instance, Brain Age, Brain Challenge and Big Brain Academy. Among the anticipated advantages of such games is improved cognitive functions for instance, recall, processing pace, executive function, and concentration , indicated often using the term 'transfer effect'. This research project specifically aims at examining the….

Most of the drug commercials also show the elderly with health concerns and needing help from others. In addition, it is rare to see an elderly contestant on a game show or interviewed on the nightly news, and most commercials star young, healthy, and very vital and attractive young people. When the elderly are featured, it is mostly with health concerns and problems. Some situation comedies depict the elderly in a better light. For example, in "Everybody Loves Raymond," the two elderly cast members, Peter Boyle and Doris Roberts, are depicted as cranky and eccentric, like many elderly are depicted on TV, but they are also loving, if annoying, parents. They are also funny and warm, and have a mature relationship on the screen. They are funny, but they also add warmth to the show, and great character.

It would not seem they were entirely positive, but they certainly are…. Preventing Falls: A Program to Address Elderly Falls Using the Strategy of Education The goal of this program is to prevent elderly persons from experiencing falls, which can have severe impacts on their health. Falls are one of the most dangerous experiences an elderly person can suffer Owen, and so it is important not only for them to be aware of the dangers around them but also for others who care for them or who know them to be aware of how we could help to prevent falls American Institute of Architects Foundation, The main goal of this program, therefore, is to spread knowledge and education about elderly fall risks and to adopt preventative measures that can be adopted both by the elderly and by their caretakers, children, neighbors, friends, loved ones -- in short, anyone who comes into contact with them and cares to help them avoid….

References Al-Faisal, W. Falls Prevention for Older Persons. Eastern Mediterranean Regional Review. pdf American Institute of Architects Foundation. Design for Aging: An Architect's Guide. Washington, D. Elderly Falls With the help of a thorough clinical evaluation, the risk factors, risks associated with falling and working out adequate intervention methods to curb the rate of elderly falls can be achieved. Strategies to Prevent Elderly Falls and Health elated Consequences Assistive Devices and Other Protective Equipment: Appropriate footwear is required for particular conditions, for instance, wintery weather necessitates anti-slip shoes whilst warmer weather requires cleated footwear, facilitating decreased falls Panel on Fall, Clinical Disease Management Acute….

References Clemson, L. Cumming RG. Environmental interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older people: A meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Aging Health. Gillespie, L. Interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. J Am Geriatr Soc. Evaluation of an evidence-based education program for health professionals: The Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum CFPC. Journal of Safety Research. For instance, a decline in peripheral vision may impact the ability to pass approaching vehicles safely, and the decreased range of motion in an older person's neck may impair the ability to look behind when backing up. It also appears that the aging process may affect cognitive skills.

Short-term memory loss, for instance, can decrease driving skills by interfering with an individual's ability to process information effectively when merging onto a highway into traffic or changing lanes. Such issues are magnified when driving under stressful situations. The higher incidence of cognitive impairment, particularly dementia, among older men and women leads to an increased risk of accident involvement Jackson, According to AAP, as a group, persons age 65 and older are relatively safe drivers. References Bedard, M. Related fatalities among older drivers and passengers: past and future trends.

The Gerontologist. Beers, M. Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book Washington, D. In addition, those who are emotionally troubled and who are overweight -- often a contributing factor to emotional difficulties -- do not receive extra counseling time. Future A lot of revamping has to be done to meet this increased need of obese elderly and this has to be done fast. The numbers are increasing by the day and unless some initiatives are taken right away, it can blow up into a full-fledged catastrophe in the future. The first and foremost step that is required is to change the present healthcare system to make it more effective and efficient.

Changes have to be made in the delivery of service as well as payments to make it more accessible to the elderly. Another important step…. References Arterburn, David E. The Coming Epidemic of Obesity in Elderly Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Total and Central Obesity among Elderly Hispanics and the Association with Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity Research 9 , -- ; doi: Ages, Health Care May Need to Change. HealthDay Consumer News Service. Dutton, Drake, D; Engelke. K; McAuliffe, M; Rose, M. Challenges that nurses face in caring for morbidly obese patients in the acute care setting. Surgery for Obesity and Related. The work of Leibovitz, et al. The clinical consequences of dehydration are critical. The validity of the common laboratory parameters of hydration status is far from being absolute, especially so in the elderly.

is one that assessed hydration status among elderly LTC residents with oropharyngeal dysphagia and in which a total of 28 orally…. Bibliography Spieker, Michael R. American Family Physician 14 Jun html Marik, Paul E. And Kaplan, Danielle Aspiration Pneumonia and Dysphagia in the Elderly. July full Bautmans, I. Rehabil Med. Inpatient Times. October This difficulty does not just stop at causing dietary deficiencies but may also lead to acute dental and non-dental diseases. With early detection and intervention such diseases can be prevented thus the health professionals in senior centers can take a step of screening the seniors for oral problems and take the necessary steps.

They can also train the seniors on practicing preventive health and also refer them to appropriate nutritional and dental professionals. It is common for seniors to rate their health, the good news is that most of them rate their health status as good, very good, or excellent. There is a relation between self-rated health and mortality and expectations for dying, it is therefore necessary to encourage those having positive self-rating so that they can maintain and improve their health. Those with negative self-ratings should also not be ignored but should be assisted to develop a positive attitude….

Reference Alvarado-Esquivel, C. Prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in elders of nursing homes and a senior center of Durango City, Mexico. BMC Psychiatry, Farone, D. Feel free to Contact Us. Essay on Environmental Protection. Essay on Diwali. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Home Essay Articles Informative Write For Us. Log into your account. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password. your email. Tuesday, January 4, Get help.

Home Essay Essay on caring for the Elderly. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. Essay on Child Labour. Essay on My Dream India. Essay on Football. Essay on Air Pollution. Essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Essay on Teachers Day. LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! We provide you with the latest news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. They develop symptoms like poor memory, intolerance of change, disorientation, rest lessens, insomnia, failure of judgement, a gradual formation of delusion and hallucinations, extreme-mental depression and agitation, severe mental clouding in which the individual becomes restless, combative, resistive and incoherent. In extreme cases the patient become bed ridden and resistance to disease is lowered resulting in his days being numbered.

Psychosis with cerebral Arteriosclerosis: This is accompanied by physiological symptoms such as acute indigestion, unsteadiness in gait, small strokes resulting in cumulative brain damage and gradual personality change. Conclusive seizures are relatively common. This is also associated with symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, depression, memory defect, periods of confusion, lowered efficiency in work, heightened irritability and tendency to be suspicious about trivial matters. Forgetfulness is one of the main psychological problems of old age.

General intelligence and independent creative thinking are usually affected in old age. Emotional Problem: They become dependent due to the decline in mental ability. In making decision or judgments their trust is lost over themselves, but to have control over the younger ones they usually do not show this mistrust. They usually want them to be kept informed and to involve in the business and family issues. They always want the younger ones to take their advice and suggestion, but due to generation gap the younger ones do not respect their suggestion this makes them feel deprived of dignity and respect which in turn leads to emotional problems like depression. Loss of spouse during old age is another hazard.

Death of a spouse creates a feeling of loneliness and isolation. The negligence and indifferent attitude of the family members towards the older people creates more emotional problems. Social Problems: With age older people suffer social losses. Their social life is narrowed down by loss of work, death of friends and spouses, and this restricts their participation in social activities. The center of their social life is their home, which gets confined to the interpersonal relationship with the family members.

They suffer from loneliness due to the loss of most of the social activities which was once performed by them. Financial Problem: Ageing results in retirement from work. Due to retirement from work there is a loss of income. The cost is living is gradually becoming high and the pension that they receive is usually inadequate to look through their own needs. Mostly elderly people suffer from some kind of disease, this again results in financial problem because the medicines become essential for them to lead their life. Elderly abuse in India: The mistreatment or exploitation of the senior citizens is known as elderly abuse.

It can take place in many different forms. It ranges from physical harm to the use of elderly to gain their financial resources or other valuable materials from them. The main types of abuse are: Physical abuse: Physical force entails the use of physical force which may result in injury. The common forms include pinching, kicking, hitting, beating, smashing, striking and burning. Senior citizens have a very soft skin and due to these physical forces they are easily injured. It is generally verbal, but it may also be due to isolation of the person from the other family members.

Sexual abuse: Any non- consensual contact with an elderly person is considered as sexual abuse.

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