Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sample essay nursing

Sample essay nursing

I believe that a sample essay nursing career should have little to do with the money or remunerations offered and much with providing services. It is important that you share something that is meaningful for you, even if that is a small event that influenced your decision, for example, helping at the soup kitchen during your summer holidays. Among the considerably external conditions that can be intervened include: home, occupational health and safety, potable water, sanitation, air sample essay nursing, toxics and chemical usage, community health, nutrition, sample essay nursing, and the emergence of climate change. Planting more trees can also reduce the carbon emissions Jacobsen, Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.


We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay, sample essay nursing. Topic: HealthEnvironmentMedicineCleanlinessWaterDevelopmentsample essay nursing, PsychologyCommunity. Abstract This paper analyzes the environmental context of health. It discusses the contribution of environmental factors to the etiology of major diseases. The environment, as defined by the World Health Organization, focuses on the external forces that can be modified WHO, It excludes lifestyles and behaviors, but recognizes how these external forces shape lifestyles and behaviors through access to these external forces.

Environmental factors can be very significant in health. Access to clean and safe water, safe home and working environment, toxics, air pollution, and climate change are among the factors detrimental to health. In line with this, the most susceptible to the environmental impact are young children. Also, there is a significant number of sample essay nursing rate recorded a few years ago because of environmental risks. There are prevalent issues and gaps concerning environmental health; thus, comprehensive actions must be implemented at the various levels to address these.

The environment plays a crucial role in ensuring public health. Apart from genetics, lifestyle and cultural practices, the health situation and the etiology of diseases are also affected by the environment. Studies conducted by the WHO have reported that a great number of mortality rates at the global and regional levels can be attributed to unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation practices, and air pollution in the indoor and outdoor areas WHO, In addition, health-related behaviors can also be affected by the environment. For sample essay nursing, lack of access to water and proper sanitation could foster unhygienic practices such as irregular bathing, irregular laundry, or skipping of hand-washing before eating. Indeed, sample essay nursing, the environment can affect a myriad of conditions ranging from physical, behavioral, psychological or mental, social, and cultural health.

This study would further on the context of the environment and how it influences health across sectors. Promoting public health entails understanding of various factors that impact health-related behaviors, practices, and disease etiology. Historically, the environment is believed to be one of the contributory factors as to why people practice certain behaviors to prevent the spread of diseases, reduce epidemics, or promote sanitation in communities. As early as years ago, Hippocrates has noted the need to comprehensively investigate on the myriad of factors that concerns health. These factors include health, diet, and behavior, among many others.

At every point in history, there have been developments in the field of public health that specifically targeted concerns such as reduction of epidemics, environmental sanitation, and social and environmental risk factors for infectious diseases, sample essay nursing. This explains an important consideration, sample essay nursing, namely, intervention, which could be done to prevent or mitigate its impact. Among the considerably external conditions that can be intervened include: home, occupational health and safety, potable water, sanitation, sample essay nursing, air quality, toxics and chemical usage, community health, sample essay nursing, and the emergence of climate change.

These environmental conditions require comprehensive approaches that would ensure prevention or mitigation of possible detrimental effects to physical and even psychological health. For instance, diarrhea can be prevented if there is access to clean water and proper sanitation practices. It can be done through thorough hand-washing or presence of clean latrines in communities. Another example would be environmental change which may cause an increase ofdeaths from the period of to Programs that push for reduction of emissions of greenhouse gasses through development in food, energy, and transport may reduce air pollution or improved health WHO, A comprehensive understanding of the impact of the environment to public can serve as a framework for agencies and advocates to push for programs that would benefit a mass of people.

How significant is the environment to health? The answer is very significant. In addition, the environmental risk has played a part to the major diseases. The environmental exposures and access to health care also contributed to prevalence of disease conditions across the regions WHO, These statistics may be just estimates but it indicates the role of the environment in susceptibility of adults and children across the globe to major diseases which leads to deaths or inability to return to their normal functioning. Home environment: Houses must be built to serve as safe dwelling for families. A healthy home sample essay nursing means access of family members of drinking water, sanitation, toxic-free materials, and protection from hazards.

It must be fire-proof, sample essay nursing, be away from earthquake fault lines and volcanoes, sample essay nursing flood-free. Its wirings must also be properly installed. The material composition of the house must be toxic-free. It must also be protected from insects that may transmit diseases Jacobsen, Water: Access to water is a basic human right. This means every human being is entitled to clean and safe water for drinking and other purposes. Water must be free from bacteria, virus, and other contaminating agents. The sample essay nursing amount of water must be accessed through various means that is provided by governments or organizations. It must be easily accessed, reliable, and most importantly, free or at least can be afforded by the majority Jacobsen, Sanitation: Proper sanitation practices must be implemented through the availability of latrines, which must have access to water, as well; however, the latrines must be sample essay nursing from the food and water supply to avoid contamination.

Proper disposal or flush must be ensured to avoid generation of flies which may cause further diseases Jacobsen, Air Sample essay nursing Cigarette smoke, gas, and engines can cause pollution. One way of improving air quality is to pass measures regulating the tobacco consumption, sample essay nursing, and the use of energy. Planting more trees can also reduce the carbon emissions Jacobsen, Occupational Safety: Work environment can be hazardous to many workers in all aspects: physical, psychological, biological, chemical and mechanical. Proper policies on safety and access to health services including counseling can facilitate occupational safety among workers working in a challenging environment Jacobsen, Toxics: Exposure to chemicals that have carcinogens or teratogens or have hazardous effects can lead to terminal illnesses Materials used on a daily basis such as make-up can have chemical content that may cause harm to health.

Food and other supplies may also contain chemicals which could be harmful to health. Banning of products that possess harmful chemicals can be done at the local to the international level Jacobsen, Community-health: Fostering a safe, secure and disciplined community can reduce the impact of diseases, not for only for physical health but to psychological health. An organized community enhances the role of its members to become active key players in community health Jacobsen, Climate Change: The WHO has reported that climate change affects health because it affects the access to clean air and potable water, food security, and secure settlement. Climate change may have a high level of gravity as it brings an imminent threat to survival; however, climate change can be mitigated. Apart from policies, decisive actions on planning for food security, reduction of carbon emission, and sustaining forests are some of the few measures that can be considered WHO, Sample essay nursing is the most affected of all these environmental risk?

The answer is children. The WHO reported that the environment health burden is estimated of about five times greater than the total number of population. The explanation is simple: more children do not have enough access to services which could have saved their lives from sample essay nursing, malaria, and respiratory problems significantly through the contribution of environmental factors, sample essay nursing. Prevention and mitigation are key intervention strategies that could address the gaps to health. Both governmental and private institutions can implement or support initiatives and programs for health; however, this must be done complementary to the on-going programs.

The key is to develop the existing strategies and plan new programs should there be a need to. I have a crucial role in addressing the environmental sample essay nursing by working hand-in-hand with the academe and community. Like any other professions, the health sector must be proactive in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs that would yield positive results to communities. Specifically, I sample essay nursing contribute in the following initiatives: Awareness-raising: One of the major activities to promote health sample essay nursing to raise the awareness of communities on the impact of environment to their health. It is important that they understand the etiology of diseases, how the environment contributes to their health condition, and what they must do to reduce the negative effects of environmental factors.

I can also help in crafting materials which could provide information about health hazards and promotion of safety. Advocacy: Change, whether personal or institutional, is crucial to attaining long-term impacts of prevention or mitigation. Advocating reforms can encourage influential people such as policymakers, to initiate cost-efficient and sustainable measures. In schools, we can push for more strict regulations in terms of products that can be used or even regulations to ban smoking. Research: Further research on the impact of the environment to health can provide a useful data to improve access to services.

It would also serve as baseline information for other practitioners who would like to keep abreast of the developments in health, sample essay nursing. Research would also complement advocacy since the sample essay nursing provided by research can support the advocacy, sample essay nursing. Aside from these three, I can also commit in promoting the rights to access to clean and safe drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities, and organizing my fellow students to become proactive in environmental health. Commitment and sincerity are important virtues that must be cultivated to achieve more gains that would yield benefits to the people and eventually, secure our future. The key is to comprehensively analyze and address the issues and gaps to avoid further negative impacts to the wide populace.

Environmental health emphasizes the aspects of physical environment and all-related external forces that can be altered, changed or modified. Factors such as home, water, sanitation, toxics, among others contribute to the causes of diseases and health-related behaviors. Historically, it has been proven that the environment is one of the subjects for further studies because of its impact to human beings. In this study, it has proven that the impact of environment to health not only has several effects, but can also be an avenue for further changes and advocacy at various levels.

Comprehensive measures on environmental health must be adopted to address the issues and gaps. Jacobsen, K. Introduction to Global Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Pub. World Health Organization. Preventing disease through healthy environments: Towards an estimate of the environmental burden sample essay nursing disease. WHO Climate change and health. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.

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I am an understanding, empathetic, and confident diplomatic quick learner with great communicative skills. I know I will need these skills as a nurse. However, to be able to take this path, all I need is excellent education to become who I was meant to be. After I got my examination results, and I told my parents that I wanted to be a nurse, they had mixed feelings. Yes, they always knew I wanted to help people, study hard, and work in the medical field. However, the fact I had chosen nursing and not anything else despite my high GPA was not wholly welcome for them. Fortunately, my aunt, who is a retired nurse, was able to convince them to let me pursue my passion. So, why have I always wanted to be a nurse?

Well, my life, character, mindset, and motivation have always been in this profession. As a kid, I liked how concerned my aunt was about us. I was fond of her and she could always pick me to visit my grandparents in the weekends. It was not only fun, but also a chance to attend to them. It gave me great joy to see them happy and I knew I was already in love with helping the elderly, children, the sick, and the needy. They are also not always in the hospital. They are right where we are and I should help them. So, when I went to school, I took biological courses with great passion.

I wanted to learn how the human body works and how illness occur. Off studies, I loved to be the person offering first aid to pupils who were injured. In fact, I had become so popular in this that kids first called me before we reported to the school nurse. It gave me great admiration to see how the nurse attended to the kids. Every day, I knew I wanted to become a nurse and be like him. Every time I hear about a voluntary medical mission, I want to be part of it. I believe that a fulfilling career should have little to do with the money or remunerations offered and much with providing services. To me, life is priceless because no amount of money can purchase the life of a human being.

This has taught me to disregard the wealth of individuals in the face of saving life. I want to be the nurse that attends to people without even giving a thought to what I am going to get in return. My personal attributes, inspirations, and character all point towards nursing. My passion to become a nurse started in my childhood when I watched my mother work as a nurse. She built good relationships with her patients and she did all that she could in order to ensure they felt comfortable. This informed my decision to choose nursing as a career because it will provide me with a challenging but rewarding work as well as stable work opportunities. I want to experience growth in my career and I am sure nursing will enable me to advance and specialize.

This way, I will be able to continue challenging myself while providing the best possible care to my patients. When I was in middle school, I got involved in a car accident which saw me spend a week as an inpatient in hospital. I watched with awe how the nurses were committed to offering attention and care to the patients, me included. Unlike the doctors who only appeared briefly during their daily rounds, the nurses were always there, ensuring that I was comfortable and on the right path to recovery. They made less scary and a little easier a situation that would have otherwise been a difficult one.

I realized just how much nurses mean to their patients. From thence, I decided that I would also become a nurse and make a difference for my patients by helping them through the difficult period of illness. My decision to become a nurse was also informed by my desire to learn new things. As a nurse, I will have to keep challenging myself to keep abreast with medical training and trends. This will ensure that I continue to care for my patients in the best possible manner. In my everyday practice in my workplace, I will learn at least something new from both my patients and colleagues.

This will inspire me to continue exploring deeper knowledge of the procedures and techniques I apply on a daily basis. I thus consider nursing a rich field for personal learning and development. As I moved through my high school education, I realized that I possess some of the qualities that are needed for nursing. For example, I established that I am a good communicator who is both good at listening and providing feedback. I realized this during group and class discussions during which I would lead discussions and respond to various questions from my fellow students satisfactorily. I believe a good nurse should be able to communicate effectively with their patients and explain things to them clearly both in a nontechnical and technical way. Further, I am a team worker. I would be no different from a square peg in a round hole if I found myself working in a profession where there is little or no teamwork.

I particularly embrace working in a team because just like any other person, I can never be perfect in terms of skills and abilities. I will definitely need someone to complement my shortcomings and inadequacies in performing my job tasks. The only criteria for the essay is that it must be two pages long. The essay is supposed to describe my philosophy of nursing. I would like you to include a few things when describing my "philosophy. You can expand on anything and please add any details you want. Remember the entire essay is on my philosophy of nursing.

My philosophy of nursing comes directly from my desire to help people. I want to be a nurse because I enjoy being around people in their times of need and I get internal satisfaction by serving those that need help. I remember when I did some volunteer work for a hospital and that is when I realized my passion for nursing. I believe that the cure for many of the people's ailments is not just in medicine, it is in the care that they receive as patients in hospitals and their homes. This is where I believe that I can make a great difference in people's lives by helping them recover from their ailments.

One of the philosophies that are very close to my heart is that I believe that the health of a person is all in the mind. This is kind of a caring theory that I believe in, which is that there would be no patients if everyone around them would just understand what they are going through and what is needed to help them. I believe in this philosophy since it describes the various health and caring related issues and problems in a very different light. I also believe that it is important for the nurses to understand their own selves so that they are able to better treat their patients. I believe that spirituality holds a very significant role in the profession of nursing. In fact, the care of the soul is the most powerful aspect of the art of caring in nursing.

I have a very unique outlook on health. I think of "health" as being the simple absence of disease in the body.

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