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How to write a debate essay

How to write a debate essay

The Globe and Mail Inc. In light of these recent trends, creativity has become one of the most important core values and skills in the modern education curriculum. Review of…. Why suffer? For this, it is important to go for a legit essay writing service that offers real help with your debates. If they didn't give a definition, feel free to provide your own as if you were the first speaker, how to write a debate essay.

Step One: A Strong Opening

The aim is that your essay will lead to support for one side, based on clear argument, effective judgement and justification for the decisions presented and arguments presented. The foundation of a good debate essay is effectively completing research combined with being able to refer to facts and credible information. The biggest challenge is to remain unemotional, whilst still persuading your audience of the validity of the arguments you are making in support of your chosen side. Your introduction should ensure that your reader understands what topic is being debated and encourage them to read more.

One effective way to start is with a question, which sets the stage for you to state your position on the subject your thesis statement. The aim is that your readers will have an immediate answer to the question, and this then drives the arguments you are presenting. In this case you are encouraging the reader to support your argument. In both cases, you have set a foundation with your introduction which needs to be built on by effective arguments and evidence. For each point you should provide back-up information from credible sources, which demonstrates that you have evaluated evidence before drawing a conclusion and opinion.

Each paragraph should introduce your argument for or against, depending on your perspective, and include where appropriate, statistical evidence, illustrative data and clearly referenced sources. A good tip with a debate essay is to also present the counterargument for your point and refute it with viable sources to demonstrate why it is incorrect, demonstrating your understanding of the subject. The conclusion to your debate essay should be a summing up of all the positive points you have made, reaffirming your stance on the issue and should refer back to your thesis statement or original question. This enables you to demonstrate that you have effectively provided a strong justification for your point of view and how to write a debate essay so doing, persuaded the reader of the accuracy of your perspective and opinion.

An argumentative paper depends on various aspects that can either build the conversation or break it. Here is how to write a debate essay step by step and get your point through in a convincing manner:. Consider these tips combined when you think about how to make a debate essay convincing and interesting. Writing Services Essay Writing Assignment Writing Coursework Writing Annotated Bibliography Case Study Writing Literature Review Writing Report Writing Reflective Report Writing Research Proposal Model Answers Exam Notes. Why choose us? Mission and Vision Samples Library Referral Programme FAQs Contact Us, how to write a debate essay. Manage Orders Sign Out, how to write a debate essay. How to Write a Good Debate Essay Our academics share their profound experience with you, how to write a debate essay.

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To that end, anybody attempting to accurately judge a debate must be prepared to provide insightful commentary, a rigorous analysis of each completed round, and the ultimate basis for their ballot…. References Freeley, A. Argumentation and debate: Critical thinking for reasoned decision making. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Challenges Faced in Preparing for the Debate Four challenges I faced in preparing for the debate were: 1 understanding the logic of my own argument—i. The first challenge for me—understanding my own argument, its premise and its logic—was difficult because it required a deep understanding of the subject and all the various sides and aspects of it.

A superficial grasp of the subject would not do. I had to understand it fully in order to argue it, and I had to ensure that my argument was based on a valid premise. This was the first challenge, and I knew that my argument depended on doing the research, so I…. Works Cited Chaffee, John. Thinking Critically. Boston: Wadsworth, Goldhill, D. Debating Structured vs. Unstructured Methods This week, you have learned about the characteristics of structured and unstructured approaches in qualitative research. For this assignment, you will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and discuss the merits of each. To prepare for this assignment: Consider what you have learned in your research courses about planning out the methodology for a research design.

As you may recall, a structured or predetermined approach has been advocated in most, if not all, of your research textbooks up to this point. eview Chapter 5 in Qualitative esearch Design: An Interactive Approach. In this chapter, Maxwell mentions the differences between a structured and an unstructured approach to qualitative methods. To what extent do you agree with the point-of-view that an unstructured approach to qualitative methods can be desirable? Under what circumstances might this be true? With these thoughts in mind: Write a response of…. References Maxwell, J. Qualitative research design: An interactive approach 2nd Ed. Technology, a very familiar phenomenon of modern world, is continuously enhancing its ways towards comforts and luxuries.

New thoughts and ideas are coming with every passing second, and what started as only a blurred vision, now became a necessity for all mankind. These have become a need of today's society making the society very much involved in these technological reforms. Several debates have been made on the topic that although the level of our technology keeps on improving day by day, but do all of these hi-tech gadgets give us the proper advantages? Are we really aware of the two different sides of the same mirror, or are we just so much accustomed to all such things around us that we don't bother to look upon the other side? Amongst these debates, two of the very famous are classical McDermott vs.

Mesthene debate of s and contemporary debate of Joy…. Works Cited Bill Joy: Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics. html Brown, John S. And Duguid, Paul. Chapter 4. A Response to Bill Joy and the Doom-and- Gloom Technofuturists. pdf Emannuel G. Mesthene vs. John McDermott. ppt James Burke Connections 1 - The Trigger Effect. Providence Debate According to J. De Caussade, God speaks "today as he spoke in former times to our fathers when there were no directors as at present, nor any regular method of direction. De Caussade asserts that God maintains and has always maintained a personal relationship, or a providential relationship, with mankind.

However, the exact way in which God exercises control over the world and the lives of humans in the world has been debated for many centuries. Indeed, in the realm of God's providence, there are numerous variables and nuanced positions, which have been argued by Christians since the time of the Apostles through to the Protestant Reformation right up to today. This paper will consider the two broader views of recent centuries -- the Arminian and the Calvinist -- and evaluate whether there might be alternative views that incorporate both perspectives of how Providence…. Bibliography Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologiae, Benziger Bros, ed. Fathers of the English Dominican Province]. Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Chang, Andrew D. health care debate that has been going in the United States.

It discusses the Obama Care Act and how it impacts the society. Functionalist perspectives and theories are utilized in analyzing the situation and what outcomes are expected. The major themes and concepts of the functionalist theory are discussed in detail. The Health Care reform proposed by the Obama Administration has long been the area of debate in America and in countries all over the world. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act go on to cut down the number of people who are not insured. It requires small businesses to provide medical insurance to all the people working in the business. The employers are obliged to provide a good quality medical insurance. Failure of the small business to provide a good health care system will result in a penalty for any employee that goes uninsured.

This act applies to…. References Berkman, L. et al. Gerhardt, U. The Sociological Review, 27 2 , p. Napsha, J. The Washington Times, 29th June. In my work "Conduit" I presented a basic fantasy of everyone's, to pee off a skyscraper. While this is a crazy and often considered offensive idea, sometimes it is those notions that free the mind in a new way. Stelarc: I hope that people are offended by my art. I hope that in a way people are offended at the way that science has made the human body obsolete. I want viewers to feel and think when they see me hanging from flesh hooks or be enraged when they see my "Third Ear" for perhapes it will reawaken and reanimate what seems to be a dead society.

Question 3: Where do you see art and society moving in the future? Stelarc: While I can't really speak for art in general, I fear that society is moving further and further away from the miraculous and inspired. It seems to me that…. If Clark's argument held true, then would it not be easier to simply hand the students sheets of paper with the material on it and expect them to simply read them and learn. We all know that this works for some students, but not for others. Some students need to hear the message and respond socially to it in order to learn the material. Classroom learning is not only about learning that 2 X 4 is 8, but being able to take that knowledge out of the context in which it was learned and to be able to apply it in a real world situation.

This is where the multi-media approach to learning comes into play. This supports the role of the media and the emotions surrounding…. References Clark, R. Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of Educational Research, 53 4 , Dewan, S. Distance Education Teacher as a Leader: Learning from the Path Goal Leadership Theory. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Gaigg, S. Free recall and forgetting of emotionally arousing words in autism spectrum disorder. Kozma, R. Will media influencing learning? Reframing the debate. Therefore, while Lincoln gave a rather general statement concerning the matter, Lincoln offered an image common people can relate to and therefore agree upon. Thus, Lincoln's use of the human rights issue was unsuccessful in this context.

Secondly, Douglas raised the issue of the states free to decide on their own whether they accepted slavery or not. Douglas, points out the fact that states have according to the constitution the right and power to decide on their own for the rights given to the black people. Referring to Illinois, he concludes that slaves "belong to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position," thus "I hold that Illinois had a right to abolish and prohibit slavery as she did" and therefore "we must leave each and every other State to decide for itself the same question.

Bibliography First Debate with Stephen a. Ottawa, Illinois. August 21, The National Parc Service web site. htm Jenkins, Philip. A history of the United States. New York: Palgrave, Remembering the U. And USSR Kitchen Debates of Before the bellicosity and belligerence exchanged by the United States of America USA and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR in the s -- an era known today as the "Cold ar" -- the two recently emergent superpowers engaged in the delicate dance of diplomacy in the wake of their shared victory in orld ar II. One of the most interesting examples of the doomed diplomatic efforts between American and Russian leaders was known as the "Kitchen Debates," as U.

Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev squared off in an often rancorous debate amidst a truly unique backdrop. On July 24th, , the respective leaders of the world's dominant capitalist and communist economic powers met at the opening of the American National Exhibition -- which was held at Sokolniki Park at the U. Embassy in Moscow as…. Works Cited Jakabovics, Barrie Robyn. Nixon, Richard M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. Kitchen Debate - Transcript. Washington D. Douglas did not believe that blacks were equal to whites, but he also didn't necessarily believe that because of that fact they should be slaves.

Rather, he believed that it was up to every state to decide what the rights should be. He didn't want to set forth laws about this, but rather, he wanted every state to decide for itself. One of Lincoln's better points was that slavery had not served to bring the states of the Union together, but rather, slavery had served to put a wedge between the states of the Union. He thought that when people realized that slavery would not and could not be everlasting, it would simply stop. He thought that…. Works Cited Guelzo, Allen C. Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates that Defined America. The Making of a Nation. Baptism Debate: An Examination of the Purpose and Merits of Baptism There is no trick involved in entering the Kingdom of Heaven, but many theologians argue that there are some important steps that must be taken to help pave the way, including being baptized.

Issues such as whether complete immersion is required or simply a token sprinkling, who is authorized to perform baptisms and even the fundamental purpose and merits of baptism, have all been the source of enormously divisive controversy within the Christian church for two millennia. To determine the facts, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning different views about the purpose and merits of baptism, and whether baptism is reserved for believers only or for infants as well. A discussion concerning what mode of baptism is biblical is followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion. References Bryant, S. Cavendish, R. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation.

Governor Romney's public speaking style was somewhat less poised, but was again immediately observable in his first response. After also thanking everyone and even joking wth the President about his anniversary, he launched into a somewhat hesitant series of brief anecdotes about people wanting help. His posture shifted more frequently, his speech contained more hesitations and pauses, and his gaze wavered from the camera to the moderator to the audience present at the University of Denver, and his words were equally as evasive as the President's but without the confidence or comfort. Again, this appeared to continue throughout the debate, though Romeny did appear to gain some confidence as the debate wore on and his comfort in the setting grew.

Others believed that cost control would become a matter for distant and impersonal government boards, with a direct effect on care, and that the reduced competition brought about by the federal government's entrance into the insurance market in any form would simply lead to rising healthcare costs without any real control or oversight. These two pictures of dire futures brought about by the healthcare bill seem to be mutually exclusive, with one predicting uncontrolled expenses and the other control so tight that care is potentially denied for expense reasons alone, but both were a part of the argument against the national healthcare bill. Oversight There has also been considerable debate regarding exactly who will be overseeing the program. There was considerable talk of "death panels," a deliberately fear-invoking image of a bunch of suit-wearing individuals determining when it was time for a person to die rather than continue to receive….

Another hugely contentious issue in the healthcare debate that raged in the summer of was the control of the expenses of the program, and how that would be related to the care received and the cost of that care and the insurance to begin with to the average taxpayer. On one side, many politicians and advocates stressed that even a single-payer system wouldn't mean that a government bureaucrat would decide care based on a need to control expenses; the programs overseers would assess the costs of providing healthcare and adjust spending and rates accordingly, just as occurs in the private insurance and medical services industries. There was considerable talk of "death panels," a deliberately fear-invoking image of a bunch of suit-wearing individuals determining when it was time for a person to die rather than continue to receive expensive medical care.

The thought of panels of government bureaucrats overseeing every aspect of care, including end-of-life care, was horrific to many people, and a major source of anger and opposition to the bill. Proponents of the bill, however, insisted that the doctor and patient would still determine health care plans, and that the government's role would purely be in ensuring adequate funding in order to cover the vast majority of currently uninsured Americans. The reconciliation of these two views is still long in coming. Political Debate One on the most hotly contested debates today is whether President Bush should invade Iraq.

Though there are numerous experts arguing both side of this debate, most of the public's questions are left unanswered. Terrorist Attacks There are critics who believe the United States involvement in the U. sanctions provoked the terrorist attacks on September They blame the sanctions for an increase in the death rate of Iraqi children due to starvation. Others, however, blame Saddam Hussein for the deaths, stating he is buying weapons and living a luxurious lifestyle instead of providing food and medical supplies to the Iraqi people Sanctions, An Argument Against ar The terrorist attacks have lead President Bush to consider invading Iraq. Before he can make this decision, he must first address several issues such as how much threat does Iraq pose, the cost of war, relationships with Arab Community and….

DON'T BLAME THEH SANCTIONS. Denver Rocky Mountain News. Frazza, Luke. Agence France Presse. Xinhua News Agency. He in turn is raising questions and rebuttals from those who oppose his regime's initiatives. Three articles from The New York Times show different perspectives on this challenge -- specifically, its effects on the social, political and economic situation of those it is aimed at rebuffing. Each article shows why Russia's new anti-liberal direction is problematic for both…. Works Cited Bernstein, Jacob. Gladstone, Rick. Taking one's life as a result of the fact that the respective person is expected to suffer inhumane pain for several years until his or her death cannot possibly be compared with murder or suicide.

Morality should actually be combined with logics in understanding euthanasia and people need to be more sympathetic and less egocentric regarding individuals who prefer euthanasia as the "safe way out. A normal pro-life campaign is less complex than Catholic anti-abortion principles because of the religious aspect of the matter. The connection between the Catholic Church and morality has come to be stronger in the recent years in spite of the fact that it does not essentially function based on morality alone. To a certain degree, one might be inclined to consider that the Church is wrong in promoting anti-abortion simply because it wants to follow Christian tradition.

Catholic teachings are essentially derived from the Bible and "whatever the "moral" teaching of the Church might be, it is, in the final analysis, a function of how to read the Scripture. Christian morality is not, in short, a "stand-alone" moral position" O'Brien In promoting anti-abortion messages, Catholic representatives practically go against the general message that the Gospel is trying to convey. Catholics have recently been more determined than ever to fight…. Works cited: Faundes, Anibal and Barzelatto, Jose, "The human drama of abortion: a global search for consensus," Vanderbilt University Press, John Paul II, "Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life," St.

Pauls Publications, Mitchell, Alan C. CFACC and AOC are, by their very nature, located several hundred, sometimes thousands of miles from the air battle. And, as emphasized prior, we understand that technology allows command far more specific details than in the history of the military. That being said, no amount of technology can translate a blip on a screen to an actual threat, and react with the appropriate response within milliseconds. One would think, for instance, that with the thousands upon thousands of dollars the service spends on training their pilots, the number of scenarios engendered, and the amount of air time required to pilot a multimillion dollar piece of extraordinary equipment that command would acknowledge that there needs to be a certain level of trust and allowance for experience and pilot assessment of various high stress situations.

While it is certainly true that, at times, the individual pilot cannot see the "big picture," and…. Death Penalty The debate surrounding capital punishment is not as clear as one might think -- in fact, there is a great deal of gray within this debate. The actual definition is State controlled taking of a human life in response to some crime committed by a person who was legally convicted of that crime Lacayo, Capital punishment has been part of human history, and currently 58 global nations actively practice it, 95 have abolished it, and the remained have not used it in over a decade Amnesty International, Some scholars tout the view that capital punishment produces an extremely strong deterrent effect to crime that actually saves lives, is supported by the majority of Americans, and that each execution actually results in a statistically viable reduction in murders Muhlhausen, As of , however, Amnesty International categorizes most countries as abolitionist regarding the death penalty Figures on….

Virginia Supreme Court U. php "Capital Punishment, 30 Years On: Support, but Ambivalence as Well. Sociology Debate: A central debate in sociology revolves around whether the power elite or pluralist view is correct. Which do you believe and why? Explain your answer. The Power Elite view seeks to look at the way the elites rule and influence the running of the American society as a whole in the day-to-day basis. One scholar in sociology, Smith Mark in his analysis of C. Wrights work, tries to explain the rule of the elite in terms of institution that are formed to ensure the elite has a firm hand on the power controls. He identifies three main institutions that occupy the key positions in the society; major business corporations, the federal government and the military. He says that those in command of the three institutions do and will always have the same values and interest.

They coalesce and interconnect to form a single ruling minority. Among these…. References Don Albrecht et. al Minority Concentration, Disadvantage, and Inequality in the Nonmetropolitan United States. Midwest Sociological Quarterly, Impact Lab The 10 people most responsible for the Recession. Job Losses Continue, ADP Surveys Suggest. It must be considered, as well, that genetic testing is a somewhat newer thing and the results can be skewed; so even if a doctor did do a test and results came up negative, there is a chance something could have been positive. Is the doctor responsible for the fact that the test didn't find any genetic problems? It would be absolutely nonsensical to think that the doctor should be punished for not detecting problems.

It is also incredibly unfair. When two people decide to have children, they are basically assuming all responsibilities and they should be aware that giving birth to a child means knowing that there are certain risks involved. There is this question to be considered: If an aborted child cannot sue for wrongful death, how can anyone sue for wrongful life? What will happen, if we aren't careful, is that doctors will become very wary of…. References: Bayles, Michael D. Harm to the unconceived. Kalamazoo College -- Western Michigan University Conference in Philosophy of Law. Doerr, Adam. The 'wrongful life' debate. Genonomics Law Report. This issue has not been adequately addressed by health care reform.

The underlying trend in each of these major issues in health care reform is controlling the rising cost. Malpractice reform seeks to control the cost of insurance to health care providers, so that they can pass those savings along to consumers. The public option provides a plan for affordable health care coverage for uninsured and underinsured Americans. This is deemed necessary because private insurers will not offer insurance to those it feels will demand too much in terms of health care costs going forward. Reducing the cost of health…. Works Cited: Carey, Nick. Uninsured Americans hope reform brings health coverage.

The Obama Plan: Stability and Security for All Americans. PDF New York Times. Malpractice and Health Care Reform. New York Times. html Kaiser Family Foundation. Prescription Drug Trends. Kaiser Family Foundation. Douglas stated that he would vote for the admission of any state with any form of the Constitution ratified by the territory's people. If the people showed that they wanted slavery, they should have it, he said, if the people prohibited slavery it should be prohibited. Of course, the entire voting population all the territories were free, white men. Still, Douglas saw this as an effective and moderate compromise and attempted to paint Lincoln as an abolitionist radical. The most contentious specific policy at stake in the second debate was that of Kansas' prospective constitution.

The people of the Kansas territory wished their state to be admitted as an enslaved state, and keep what they considered their property, namely their slaves. This was in violation of previous compromises, however, designed to keep the Union in a state of free and enslaved representational balance. Douglas supported the pro-slavery constitution of Kansas,…. These people demonstrated that a trial regarding a possible capital sentence is lengthy and is probable to reflect negatively on the suspect, considering that he or she experiences intense feelings as he or she stands and waits for the jury to decide whether he or she is going to live another day or not. Taking into account the nature of the crimes attributed to a person who is susceptible to be sentenced to death, it is irrelevant whether or not he or she spends a significant amount of time in courts.

Another legal issue that emerges when discussing in regard to capital punishment is related to the influence of constitutional rights in the case of a person who is convicted for serious crimes. Works cited: Adam Bedau, Hugo, and Cassell, Paul G. The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case," Oxford University Press, Mandery, Evan J. Global Warming The Debate of Global Warming Global Warming is a serious problem for our planet and our generation. What else can I say? They're great". best paper know what they're doing. Fair prices, good quality. What else does a student need, right? I would recommend. You get an original and high-quality paper based on extensive research.

The completed work will be correctly formatted, referenced and tailored to your level of study. We value your privacy. We do not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent. Your payment data is also safely handled as you process the payment through a secured and verified payment processor. Every single order we deliver is written from scratch according to your instructions. Lori Garrett-Hatfield has a B. in Journalism from the University of Missouri. She has a Ph. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia.

She has been working in the Education field since , and has taught every grade level in the K system, specializing in English education, and English as a Second Language education. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. How to Write a Debate Essay LORI GARRETT-HATFIELD 3 AUG CLASS. Explore this article Putting Together a Debate Paper Writing the Debate Essay Making A Rebuttal Conclusion.

references 1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: The Writing Center: Argument 2 National Park Service: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 3 Seattle Pi: How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay 4 Owlcation: How to Write an Argument Essay Step by Step. About the Author Lori Garrett-Hatfield has a B.

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