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Animal welfare essay

Animal welfare essay

how it works. The authors want factory farming, animal experimentation, and animal welfare essay wearing fur coats to end. Home Page Animal Welfare Essay. Research Paper on Animal Welfare: Lychee and Dog Meat Festival Essay, animal welfare essay. This can make it possible for one to treat animals with respect. Typically, each caged laying hen is given just 67 square inches of cage space which is less area than a single […]. She urged beauty to be good and gentle, do good things, and do the best that she could.

Animal Rights Vs Animal Welfare

Animal welfare refers to the physical and social well-being of animals or rather the concern for animals. Animal welfare movement is a movement that began in the mid 19 th century with a primary goal of protecting and improving the treatment of animals that are used by human beings. Just like humans, animals feel pain, hunger, loneliness, fear, and anxiety. They, therefore, have a right to animal welfare essay without being harmed, abused, or exploited. Black Beauty is a novel written by Anna Animal welfare essay with the intention of promoting better treatment of horses.

In modern society, the government and unions have come up with mandatory animal welfare standards to offer protection to animals against exploitation by their owners. This essay is a short explanation on to why animals should be treated with kindness and respect. I think that animals should be treated well because they are living creatures and thus also deserve proper treatment, animal welfare essay. Everywhere around the world, people use animal products, animal welfare essay, including meat, eggs, milk, among others. Also, animals are used in the entertainment sector, for instance, horse racing, to entertain people, animal welfare essay.

In some of these animal welfare essay, for instance, bull fighting as practiced in Mexico, animals are exposed to great dangers. The fact that animals have animal welfare essay and emotions is a animal welfare essay reason to allow these animals to live normally without subjecting them to brutal conditions. I am advocating for better treatment of animals. Animals should be treated well without subjecting them to the harsh conditions that they are often subjected to. Animals serve us with a lot of respect and loyalty. Animals always obey instructions from their master without question.

Also, once you own an animal, it will be your possession forever. Unique care for these animals calls for providing for them good shelter, good food, and treating them well in general. Ensuring stable growth and good health of animals should be a major concern as this is the only way we animal welfare essay reward them for their continued support in our lives Anderson 1. There is a need to understand the characters of horses and treat them well. Due to different experiences and situations that horses are subjected to, each has different characters.

In Black Beautychapter twenty-three, Beauty says that if the mistreatment lasted much longer, then his health or temper would have paved its way. This explains why some horses have animal welfare essay temper and why they behave the way they do, and therefore, it is upon the owner to understand his or her horse. According to Duchess, Colts ought not to work like horses. He understands that they are yet to mature, and therefore, they can not be assigned to hard tasks Fraser 3. Animals belong to God. In the Bible, God created all animals and instructed man to take good care of these animals, as seen in Genesis The Bible 1. Since human beings are meant to take care of the animals on behalf of God, animal welfare essay, it is prudent that we do not abuse animals.

Christians, therefore, animal welfare essay, have the responsibility of looking after animals irrespective of their take when it comes to animal welfare animal welfare essay rights. In the bible in Matthewwe see God taking good care of the animals when he says that he feeds birds in the air The Bible Also, it is illegal to mistreat an animal. This means that one should abide by the law which prohibits any individual from mistreating animals. Animals are our social companions. Though animals do not talk, they are happy when they are treated well. Duchess was always happy to see his master. He jumped up with joy and trot up to him. Sometimes he accompanied his master for a walk.

This means that Duchess was a social companion of his master. Animals, especially dogs, provide security to man when needs arise. Animals feed us; they give us products like eggs, milk, and honey. People who keep animals for these purposes need to ensure good health for such animals in the interest of both the animals and themselves. By so doing, they obey the command from God and also benefit fully from these animals. The fact that these animals are a source of food means that we should treat them the same way we treat other sources of food. To be precise, many people value their jobs because it is from these jobs that they get income, which helps them to purchase food.

Teachings of Duchess in Black Beauty are very significant in our everyday life. Duchess advised Beauty to have good manners, animal welfare essay. To be precise, she urged Beauty to be good and gentle, to do good things, and animal welfare essay the best that she could. This does not only apply to horses but human beings as well. In many walks of life, there are different people, people with different beliefs and attitudes. Some people will treat you in a good way, animal welfare essay, while others will treat you in a bad way, animal welfare essay. I think that Sewell was trying to bring across the fact that good people or people with good moral values will always treat animals in a good way.

Sewell advocated for moral concern for others, which will lead to moral concern for animals. Duchess advised Beauty to have manners and to have a good heart. She urged beauty to be good and gentle, do good things, and do the best that she could. When we have moral concern for others, it means we will also have moral concern for animals. This can make it possible for one to treat animals with respect. It is high time we stop treating animals like animals; rather, we should treat them like living creatures that need to be treated with kindness and respect. Abuse of animals is on the rise. It is, therefore, the duty of every individual, to treat every living creature with kindness and respect. The government should also try to educate the public on the need to treat animals well by holding campaigns, educational programs, animal welfare essay, and seminars on animal rights.

Laws should also be formulated to protect animals that are exploited, and legal action should be taken on anyone who does not respect the rights of these animals. This way, we will be able to build a generation that fosters kindness and respect for all animals. Anderson, Jerry. The Bible. The Holy Bible. New International Version. New York: Zondervan, Animal Welfare. Animal welfare essay paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it animal welfare essay write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal.

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Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Against Animal Rights As society expands the increase of animal interactions between human and wild animal are drastically rising. What is Animal Cruelty? Should Animals be Kept in Zoos and Aquariums? Problems with Animal Testing: Inhumane Practices and Neglected Interests Abstract The Animal Welfare Act AWA , enacted in August , regulates the treatment and care of animals in research Murnaghan 4. Protection of Endangered Species There are diverse environments in Texas from woods to deserts, Texas offers us something different around each corner, such as a rare jewel.

It should be Illegal to own a Pit Bull When you think of pit bulls you automatically think vicious and deadly, right? Related topics Animals Animal Testing Abuse Cruelty To Animals Experiment Health Pain Public Health Research Vaccine Zoo. how it works. The proposal here are regulatory measures in which soil degradation is conserved, to have methods of conservation of the same, control of livestock in specified areas in which these activities are preserved and limit livestock or degradation. In the case of climate increase efficiency in livestock activities, improve diets for animals, reduce fermentation and different emissions and establish plants that concentrate manure and this does not have contaminants derived. Finally in the case of water make better use of irrigation systems and encourage total costs.

Nowadays, animals are used as entertainment for people. One example is cockfighting in which bets are made to see who is the best with the only goal of making money, another is bullfighting to deal with bulls with the aim of killing them and knowing how to introduce the spear to their body and another very clear is that of horses for the races of competition since sometimes they do not keep the appropriate uses and mistreat the horses teaching them how to act in these situations. One of the proposals that should be taken for this abuse is animal protection. of bad death in those who continue to maintain bad actions and decisions on the part of the people and the government. The use of animals in chemicals or analysis of experiments is something that must end because sometimes people agree with these products as there are various actions that benefit society as cures or attacks on various factors that affect humans but on the other hand it also has disadvantages in that it is not safe since with the same experiments that are done can generate a disease or a developed virus, the important thing here is that to be using a living being to do this kind of practices, Here, those that are primarily used are rabbits, squirrels, cats and monkeys.

In this regard we must stop buying products of beauty and personal care since people only think about looking good but do not analyze all the damage they are doing to this type of animals. They give you great benefits and are good because they do not affect animals and preserve the environment, another way is also donating to various organizations that preserve the care of products against animal experimentation, dealing with animal dissection and likewise sue companies or institutions that do this type of actions affecting society in general. A fact that has impacted much of our society is that Mexico is the third country with more cases of abandonment in the country is why you should analyze the situation before acquiring a pet since the specific objective to acquire one is to take care of it, give it better life, and educate it so that it grows in a healthy and positive community, that is why in my opinion a proposal must be made in which each of the people who adopt a pet is evaluated year after year to see its performance for that they can keep it and if it has not been taken care of, return it to it, in this way it would decrease the abandonment rate and there would not be problems in the streets like mistreatment, accidents either automobile or aggression and especially of killing by morbidity.

of ethical acts will cause more peace and reduce violence so that there is equity and justice in the world as well as each of the people will act morally with the best decisions to create a society with considered socially responsible and transcendent. The incidental capture or capture of unwanted animals is something that the world lives in a catastrophic way because it has a great influence on the environment, biodiversity is something that is getting worse every day and we have to do something to reduce it. An example is fishing that has had many damages because it affects the harvest and care of the environment, these animals are dying due to the contamination of garbage that is thrown every day due to the lack of proper separation and lack of responsibility for discarding in these places as if they were normal deposits when they are not.

For this to end we must sign codes and search for government institutions that can regulate these plans and also make analysis and decision-making reduce this type of activities, they must be released to the birds to live in their natural habitat, granting licenses to boats or other means of transport navigators that use instruments for the incidental capture and reduce the attractiveness of boats, is this way with this type of actions and plans of action we can begin to preserve both this type of animals as well as the environment. Animals have rights and we must respect them to be an exemplary society, to know how to use resources, to know how to preserve the environment, to interact with animals, to exercise through them actions that give a benefit to society would help us ethically and morally to be better people, living in a world of peace in which we know what ethics is like applying it to our decisions and acting in the best way, not basing ourselves on the models that we already know, that are not met and waiting for someone to do it, we must already corrupt the idea of mistreating these animals that is not at fault, we must make key decisions that help companies that do this type of cruel acts no longer live, in addition to regulating all this type of actions through associations or laws that protect the animals we know how to give a benefit to the society of welfare acts and see different ways to continue growing day by day.

References Abhijit Naik. Facts About Animal Rights: What are They and Why You Should Care. Animal Rights. shtml We Must Do Better to Protect Our Animal Friends. Social Injustice for animals. Animals are not ours. Animals used for clothing. Fish Are Getting Their Animal Rights Moment. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. Animals are essentially like us so do deserve to have their interests heard. This side believes that although animals are not humans, the very fact that they experience life that they should live one without neglect, abuse, and general cruelty. This argument comes up on many accounts, such as domestic cruelty and Livestock cruelty.

Livestock cruelty is an equally controversial issue. livestock cruelty involves the harsh living conditions of animals such as horses, cows, sheep, goat, and other animals of that nature. If people keep killing animals, torturing them, we will not have any left on the planet to cherish. The Animal Welfare Act of was passed to regulate animal abuse Wagner. There are also many organizations that try to help limit animal abuse and mistreatment. Some organizations such as American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, go as far as publicizing their efforts to decrease animal abuse and mistreatment Wagner.

Pollan highlights this point because he does not believe in animals having the same rights as humans but he provides a solution for the animals to have a quick death that is painless. Pollan also regards animals having the right to live their lives the way they were destined to. What the author means by this is that we as consumers should be concerned with the rights animals have so they can live like that are designed to. Pollan takes it a step further in his article and explains the harshness of factory farms and the virtues of good farms. Goodall 21 Goodall made animal emotions a legitimate area for scientific investigation, because she always believed all species are alike.

The authors want factory farming, animal experimentation, and people wearing fur coats to end. The purpose of the second trust is to show you how we treat animals and what they go through. The authors want these other species to be respected so they could live comfortably in the natural…. Because of this, Salt argued that animals deserve to be free from human interference Treanor, Although not everyone agrees with animal rights, they are important in our society because animals are being abused in experiments, being mistreated in zoos, being used in educational purposes, and suffering other abuses and they need to be protected by both individuals and groups.

Violations of animals are widespread and can have a bad effect on the wellbeing of animals. Every year around the world approximately 56 billion animals are bred, raised, and killed for the only purpose of providing food Flinn. No longer are animals raised in the fresh air like one thinks of as a traditional farm. There is an apparent sense of urgency when it comes to the issues surrounding animal welfare.

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